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Boulevard Rebuilding
Vintage Radio Communication Equipment |
Latest Additions - New Photos, New
Scans and New Written Information
(past six months, more or less) - Link goes to article where new addition is located Mar 4, 2025 - New Article - Equipment from Radiomarine Corporation of America - A detailed look at the beginnings of Wireless Specialty Apparatus Company in 1907 and United Fruit Company's involvement in 1911 and their relationship to the creation of Radio Corporation of America in 1919 followed by the formation of Radiomarine Corporation of America in 1927. The equipment profiled starts with the 1923 shipboard "maritime standard" receiver of the 1920s, the IP-501-A. It then proceeds on to the 1937 AR-8503, the 1941 USN RAZ-1, the 1944 AR-8506-B and the 1944 AR-8510. The post-WWII versions of the 1953 AR-8506-B, the Signal Corps version R-203A/SR (from 1950) and the AR-8510 (from 1952.) The 1947 small marine craft direction finder AR-8711 is profiled. Finally, a restoration that is covered in an OCD-detailed write-up,...certainly fitting for the overly-complex 1958 shipboard receiver, the marvelous AR-8516. Lots of photos and lots of information. - Radiomarine Corporation Equipment Jan 25, 2025 - Additional Information - TMC GPR-90 Series of Receivers - During the restoration of GPR-90 SN:1893, I discovered that the Z-matching, ferrite core transformer T1 was shorted. This seems to be a relatively common problem with the GPR-90. Even though the receiver seems to somewhat operate, a shorted T1 will affect the proper operation of the RF Gain control, the AVC and other issues. Since T1 is a "custom part" with no available substitute, I built a replica that looks like T1 and works like a good T1 should. All of the necessary information is provided to allow building a replica T1 for your GPR-90 (if needed.) The ferrite core necessary is easy to purchase and inexpensive. 30 gauge magnet wire is needed and a few other easy to find items. Detailed data about the construction of the original T1 and detailed instructions and lots of photos of the T1 replication process is included. - Technical Materiel Corp GPR-90 Series Dec 15, 2024 - New Article - The Technical Materiel Corporation GPR-90 Series of Receivers - Producing the GPR-90 receiver wasn't TMCs primary business focus. TMC's output of commercial-military radio electronic equipment was vast,...staggering in the enormous quantity of different equipment they produced. Their one "ham receiver" was the GPR-90 but its "spin-offs" form an impressive collection of commercial-military radio receivers. Covered are the GPR-90 ham receiver and its military variants, then the military-commercial GPR-90RX, GPR-90RXD and the GPR-92. Various accessories, including the GSB-1 SSB adapter for the GPR-90 and the commercial-military MSR-type SSB adapters are covered. Detailed circuit descriptions, a detailed analysis of the Internet reviews of the GPR-90, reworking a GPR-90RXD and its matching MSR-6 SSB adapter. A performance review of the GPR-90RXD operated with the MSR-6. Lots of info and lots of photos. - Technical Materiel Corp GPR-90 Series Nov 5, 2024 - New Article - Hammarlund SP-600 Series High Frequency Receivers - This detailed write-up combines the old "Rebuilding the SP-600" article (that's substantially rewritten) with a lot brand new material and photographs,...46 photographs total in this new write-up. The old rebuilding section was entirely edited and corrected with more details added. A new more detailed history, new detailed circuit description, more details on the mechanical construction. New 2024 reworking of a JX-21 version that includes some bench repairs and a front panel repaint job. New 2024 Sweep IF Alignment Procedure since the procedure in the manual is so vague. Some of the "not so great" SP-600 performance quirks are listed. Lots of details and lots of photos. Since this is a new version for the SP-600, I've added it to the website as a "new article" with a new URL. - Hammarlund SP-600 Receivers Oct 9, 2024 - New Article - Bendix Radio Div. of Bendix Aviation Corp./Navy Dept. Bureau of Ships - Model ATD Aircraft Transmitter - Detailed write-up on what it takes to get a WWII Bendix ATD transmitter "on the air." The history and circuit details are covered first. What follows is a day-by-day (problem by problem) journal-type write-up that covers all of the problems encountered and the solutions to those problems. For instance, what to do about the "unobtainium" power connectors. Or, what the heck are RAJAH connectors? AC power supply (using an ART-13 AC power supply) use followed by a detailed description of how to service the ATD dynamotor. Construction description and photos of an "easy-to-build" 80 AMP +28vdc power supply to run the dynamotor. Antenna series condensers are needed to actually get the ATD to load up a typical ham antenna. Operation details. Lots of photos. - Bendix-Navy ATD Transmitter Sept 19, 2024 - Expanded Article - Hallicrafters SX-28 and SX-28A - This SX-28 write-up was first uploaded onto this website in 2005,...20 years ago,...certainly it's time for an update or two. I've added a new receiver to the receiver profiles, the Model SX-28 FCC version. These FCC versions were built for the Radio Intelligence Division, the RID, at the FCC. This SX-28 FCC is an early one from the very first production run. I've also added some of the paper items that aren't seen very often such as a SX-28 Warranty Card, two dated Inspection Tags and other paper pieces. The entire write-up has been re-edited with lots of new additions and information. Lots of new photographs and lots of new information. - Hallicrafters SX-28 & SX-28A
Oct 20, 2023 -
Video - W6MIT "Big Rig" - Wavelength Radio N9AMI
shot a video of me profiling the W6MIT "Big Rig" transmitter
along with the T-368 transmitter and a few other rigs that are out in
the shop. The youtube video
is 42 minutes long and is called "Bad Boys of Amplitude Modulation-WA7YBS" and, of course, "Bad Boys" is referring to the transmitters,
not their owner-operators. Here's a link that goes to the video,...
youtube video |
Navigation Index |
Full Length Articles on Wireless Era Equipment |
the discovery of Dodd's Spark Station inside a steamer trunk in Reno,
Nevada in November 1999. Details on Dodd's equipment, the station's location, how it
worked and where it is now. Lots of photographs including original
vintage B&W photos of Dodd using his station in 1912, photos of Dodd's 1909
Award-winning Station, other vintage Dodd photographs plus
contemporary photos of the Dodd station as it was set up on display in the Western
Historic Radio Museum. Appendix includes write-up of Dodd's 1923
homebrew 3-tube Cockaday Receiver. |
Spherical Audion Receiver - 1914 to 1916
Comprehensive information on the design, circuit and construction
details. 1988 discovery details along with restoration in 1988. Antique
Radio Classified 1989 article with B&W photo of the receiver then. 2022
refurbishment and performance testing of Crystal Detector and Vacuum
Tube Detector. Determining the build-date by comparison to other
contemporary wireless station receivers. 2022 performance enhancement
and testing. Adding external component vacuum tube regeneration circuit
with no mods to receiver. Adding external audio amplification with no
mods to receiver. Performance analysis of regeneration and audio amp
additions. Lots of photos. |
Comprehensive history of the
design and manufacturing of these classic shipboard receivers. Detailed restoration
write-ups. Performance testing the SE-1420B and the IP-501-A. How to set
"Critical Coupling" and attain real DX performance. NDB Station Log for
the IP-501-A. Lots of photos. |
A. H. GREBE & CO., INC. - "A Guide to the Grebe Synchrophase
MU-1" Detailed history of the design and manufacturing of the Grebe MU-1, MU-2 and other variants, Dr. Mu QSL cards, Color Advertising Brochure, Engineering Upgrades, Serial letter dilemma, Restoration hints, How to neutralize the MU-1, Performance testing Early model CTPB and Late Model RJNA. Lots of photos. |
Vintage Long Wave Receivers |
Detailed history write-ups and performance evaluations on 20 different models of pre-WWII, WWII and post-WWII LW receivers with examples from the US Navy, US Army Signal Corps, Radiomarine Corp., Mackay Radio and Telegraph Co., Hammarlund Mfg. Co., Collins Radio Co., National Company, RACAL and Eddystone. Includes info on using vintage LW gear on 630 meters. Lots of information and lots of photos. Part One - PRE-WWII RECEIVERS - Radiomarine IP-501-A, Mackay Radio Type 105A, National Company RIO, USN RAA-3, USN RAG-1, Federal Telegraph-USCG Type R-100, Hammarlund SP-100LX, USN-Radiomarine RAZ-1 Part Two - WWII RECEIVERS - Mackay Radio Type RC-123, USN RAK-7 & RAL-7, Signal Corps BC-344-D, RCA CR-91-Camden, USN RBL-5, Radiomarine Corp. AR-8510, USN RBA-1 (with rebuild info and reception log,) RBA-6 Part Three - POST-WWII RECEIVERS - Collins R-389/URR (with detailed rebuild info,) Mackay Radio Type 3001A, Hammarlund SP-600VLF-31, RACAL RA-17 with RA-237-B L.F. Converter (performance details and reception log,) Eddystone Model 850/2 (performance details and reception log,) Using Selective Level Meters as Long Wave Receivers, Other Receivers with LW Coverage, The Ultimate LW Receiver
Part Four -
What to listen to on Longwave -
Signals below 500kc, Dealing with RFI Noise on LW, Loop Antennas, USN VLF Stations,
LF Time Signal Stations, SAQ 17.2kc Alexanderson Alternator station, 630M
operation. 2007 Photo-tour of Loran-C "Master" Station in Fallon, Nevada. NDB stations in Nevada.
Complete NDB reception log. |
Hammarlund Mfg. Co., Inc. - SP-600-VLF Long Wave Receiver
Detailed write-up on this version of the Super
Pro SP-600 that tunes from 540kc down to 10kc. Circuit description,
operation, performance using both loop antenna or long wire antenna.
Details on maintaining the SP-600-VLF including the how to fix the
infamous "slipping" tuning dial (works for the HF SP-600 too.) The unusable Hammarlund manual is
critically reviewed and concludes that the manual's alignment
procedure was never used by commercial technicians for SP-600-VLF
alignment. Instead, a new complete alignment procedure is presented that
follows a conventional and easy approach to performing a sweep alignment
the SP-600-VLF's IF section with full details and photos showing the
oscilloscope images. 2022 NDB log and now a 2024-25 NDB log. I've owned and used my SP-600-VLF for over a decade
so there's lots and lots of detailed information presented with lots of
photos. |
Navy Dept-Bureau of Engineering/Hygrade Sylvania - RAG-1 Serial Number 1 - TRF w/ Tracking BFO Long Wave Receiver
Comprehensive history of this "ultra-rare"
US Navy 1933 TRF with Tracking BFO Long
Wave Receiver. History of the Hygrade Sylvania Corporation.
This article is in a journal format that documents the
restoration process. Challenges included a
severely damaged chassis and a major bend of the front panel. Equally
challenging was the total lack of documentation, no schematic, no manual.
Lots of photos show how the project progressed from a non-functional derelict
into a fully operational LW receiver. Reception Test Logs. Comparison of
the RAG versus the RAK receiver. Write up on the CHS-20032 Power Unit
and getting it to actually power up the RAG-1. |
Comprehensive history of the U.S. Navy's
first superheterodyne long wave receiver. Includes a comprehensive
history of the origins of RCA and their relationship with the US Navy.
Also, origins of Radiomarine Corp, RCA Manufacturing Company, Inc and
RCA-Victor. Continuing Restoration of RAA-3 SN:
64 - a journal-type write-up of the "ground-up" restoration of
this behemoth of a Navy receiver. Weighing 465 pounds and comprising
three individual sections, this ultra-rare receiver was stored outside,
wrapped in a tarp. A real restoration challenge that's still on-going. Lots of photos. |
Full Length Articles on Radio Communication & Amateur Radio Equipment |
Comprehensive history of the design and manufacturing of the HRO. Serial number log for determining build date of your HRO. Several restoration write-ups. Lots of photos and information. Part One - History of the development of the HRO receiver, detailed descriptions on pre-WWII HRO Models, WWII HRO Models, post-WWII HRO Models Part Two - Serial Number Analysis and Log, Current Owners of D & E run HROs, Chronologically listed Engineering Upgrades, HRO Accessories - Power Supplies, Speakers, Coil Boxes Part Three - Guild to Restoring HRO Receivers, Gear Box, PW-D Dial, Coil Set Details, Restoration Articles on 1935 HRO SN E-50, 1935 HRO SN F-16, 1935 HRO SN H-103,
Part Four
- Restoration articles on 1940 HRO Senior SN 463-K, 1946 HRO-5C SN 184 0009,
1947 HRO-7T "Black Wrinkle Finish" version, Collector's Gallery of HRO Photos, Performance Improvement Suggestions, Conclusion |
Comprehensive history of the design and manufacturing. Details on most of the sixty+ different types of Moving Coil receivers. Includes details on the Airport Receivers, the WWII versions and the post-WWII versions. Serial Number Analysis and Log. Several detailed restoration write-ups. Serial number analysis and log. Lots of photos and lots of information.
Part One
- Design History, profiles on NC-100 (1936) to NC-2-40D (1947) Receivers,
Airport Receivers (1937 through 1948), WWII Receivers USN RAO Series, RBH
Series, Signal Corps NC-100ASD, USCG R-116 Part Three - Restoration Write-ups: NC-200 Silver Anniversary, NC-100XA, US Army NC-100ASD
Part Four
- Restoration Write-ups: Airport Receiver RCE,
NC-101X, NC-80X
Comprehensive history of design circuit and
manufacturing process. Includes the Model SX-28 FCC, SX-28A, AN/GRR-2, R-45/ARR-7. Serial
number analysis and log allows dating your SX-28,
R-12 Speaker, PM-23 Speaker,
Estimated Production Quantities, Engineering Changes Chronologically Listed, Variations of the SX-28
receiver including the FCC-RID versions, Restoration suggestions, White Dial Myth, Performance
comparisons, Using the SX-28 today,
Restoration information, Performance comparisons. Lots of photos. |
Detailed history of diversity reception and how it was developed by Dr. Harold H. Beverage and H. O. Peterson of RCA. History of the origin of the DD-1 and how it developed from the XE1G diversity receiver. Profile of XE1G ham station and the first amateur diversity receiver. DD-1 prototype information. Serial number analysis. List of current owners of known DD-1 receivers. Restoration information. Performance details. DD-1 Collector's Photo Gallery. Lots of photos.
Comprehensive history of the AR-88 family of receivers with circuit details and variations in construction. Includes details on AR-88D, AR-88LF, AR-88F, CR-91, CR-91A, CR88, CR88A, CR-88B, including triple diversity receivers RDM, DR-89, OA-58. Sweep Alignments, Restoration Hints, Serial Number Analysis. Collector Photo Gallery. Lots of photos and lots of information. Part One - Comprehensive History of design and manufacturing, Russian hams using the AR-88, General information on the various models Part Two - Triple Diversity Models, Serial Number Analysis, Restoration Suggestions Part Three - Sweep Alignment of the IF (includes photos of the actual 'scope patterns using modern equipment,) RF Tracking alignment, Restoration of a typical AR-88D Part Four - Collector Gallery of AR-88 photos, Diversity Operation, Performance Comparisons, Remote Standby non-invasive mod
Comprehensive history of the AR-60 receivers, includes all RCA versions and the U.S. Coast Guard CGR-32 versions. Circuit details, alignment, adjustments, critical analysis of the infamous 1936 "R-9" magazine review of the AR-60, Serial Number Analysis. Collector Photo Gallery. Lots of photos.
Comprehensive history of the Super Pro receivers from 1935 to 1948. Includes SP-10, SP-100, SP-200, SP-400, BC-779, BC-794, BC-1004, SPA, R-270 Wickes Eng. version and other military versions. Includes special appendices on the Comet Pro receiver and HQ-120X/RBG receivers. Restoration details on SP-10, SP-100 and SP-400 receivers. Collector Photo Gallery. Lots of photos and lots of information. Part One - History of the Pre-WWII Super Pro, details on SP-10, SP-100 Series, SP-150, SP-200 Series, Military Versions, SP-400 Series, Power Supplies, Power Cable, Serial Number Analysis and Serial Number Log Part Two - Chronological Listing of Engineering Changes, Restoration hints, History of the Louis Geisler Modifications (1947 to 1950s,) Restoration of SP-10 from WMI, Restoration of SP-100X Part Three - Restoration of SP-100LX, Rebuilding the SP-400-SX, Collector Gallery Photos, Appendices on the Comet Pro and HQ-120X/RBG
Hammarlund SP-600 Receivers Expanded and rewritten in 2024, the new SP-600 write-up contains all of the old "Rebuilding the SP-600" information but now there's much more information. New sections include the History of the design, Circuit description, Manual overview, a 2024 newly written Sweep IF Alignment procedure (since the manual's sweep alignment only consists of two sentences,) 2024 "Revisit to the Bench" for a SP-600JX-21 that includes a front panel repaint. 46 photographs are now in this write-up. Also, the old (and now rewritten) sections for Overview of the task, Rebuilding the RF Platform, Replacing Capacitors in IF, Xtal Osc, Conversion Osc, Chassis, Miscellaneous Electronic Work, Rebuilding the Carrier Level/Audio Level Meter, Cosmetic Restoration, Panel, Cabinet, Alignment, Expected Performance, Collector Gallery Photos, Lots of photos
Collins Radio Company - 32V Series of Medium Power Amateur Transmitters (1946 to 1954) Comprehensive look at the entire series of 32V transmitters. Includes
32V-1, 32V-2 and 32V-3 plus descriptions of early and late production
variations. Operational idiosyncrasies and mechanical complexities.
32V-2 Pi-L network problems and solutions. Is the 32V-3 the best of the
lot? Details on how to remove the 32V series front panels (it's more
complicated than you'd think,) rebuilding the MC slide rule dial
assembly with lots of photos. Restoration write-ups on the 32V-1, 32V-2
and the 32V-3. Lots of photos and information. |
Collins Radio Company - 51J Series of Communications Receivers Comprehensive look at all of the different receivers that comprise the 51J Series, including the 51J-1, 51J-2, 51J-3, 51J-4 and the R-388/URR. Production history, variations, circuit changes, alignments and more. Details on some of the rare variants in the 51J Series. Info on the 51J-5 receiver. Info on the 51S-1 receiver. The 354A-1 Mechanical Filter Kit. Detailed info on the Beckman/Berkeley Frequency Measuring System that used the 51J-4 receiver. Lots of photos of different light-gray panel 51J-4 "Lab Receivers" and info on the "Collins Fix" for the 51J-4 6kc mechanical filter audio. Detailed rebuilding information on the 51J-2, R-388 and 51J-4. 70E-15 "M" PTO suggestions and link to Bill Orr's 1969 Ham Radio magazine article on the R-388 PTO. Lots of photos and information. Part One - Detailed profiles on each 51J model, including the many variations, Beckman versions, Laboratory Light-gray Panel versions, Collins and Military Cabinets Part Two - "Oddities" in the 51J Series, 70E-15 "M" and "CR" details, BFO Inversions, Loudspeakers, How Collins Radio and the 51J were responsible for the RACAL RA-17, General rebuilding info, Common problems, Providing Break-in, Fixing the 70E-15 "M" PTO, Rebuilding write-ups on the 51J-2 and a Basket Case R-388 receiver.
Part Three - Detailing a R-388 installed in
a CY-1206/G Receiver Case, Refurbishing
a Collins Lab Light-Gray Panel 51J-4, Rebuilding a R-388 with vintage
installation of the 354A-1 Mechanical Filter Kit, Restoring the 51J-1 |
Tobe Deutschmann Corp & Glenn Browning - Ham Radio Receiver Kits Comprehensive write-up on
Radio Engineer Glenn Browning's 1935 design of a relatively easy-to-build, seven or eight tube,
bandswitching, hams-bands only, superheterodyne receiver kit. Details on
the 1935 Browning 35 general coverage short wave receiver version, the TOBE Amateur Communication
Receiver version and the 1936 TOBE SPECIAL version. History of Radio
Kits from 1920s to 1960s. Problems only found in kit-built electronic
devices. Biographies of Glenn Browning and Tobe
Deutschmann. Two very long restoration write-ups (OCD type) on the TOBE SPECIAL, an
eight tube receiver using all metal octal tube and air trimmers that was
in just about the best state of preservation possible. And, on
the TOBE Amateur Communication Receiver, a seven tube receiver using all
glass tubes that was almost totally destroyed by a history of endless
repairs and modifications. Lots of restoration details and photographs.
Post-restoration performance comparisons. Lots of photographs - over 40 photos. |
Meissner Manufacturing
Company - Traffic Scout Receiver Kit and the Meissner Signal Shifter
Deluxe Comprehensive
write-up on one of Meissner's top communication receiver kits from 1941.
The Traffic Scout is profiled in detail with a full restoration with
lots of photos. Performance analysis. Details on how to build your own
bias cell, a popular method of providing negative bias voltage in
pre-WWII receivers. The Signal Shifter Deluxe was a very popular
exciter/vfo from just before WWII until a short time period after WWII.
How to use the Signal Shifter "on the air" as a 10 watt QRP CW
transmitter. Details on the plug-in coil sets needed for the Signal
Shifter. Lots of photos. |
Howard Radio Company - Six Howard-built Ham Receivers Profiled
Detailed write-up on Austin A. Howard's Howard
Radio Company of Chicago. The Howard company history involved not only
Austin Howard
but also McMurdo Silver, Bill Halligan and many others. Six Howard-built Ham Receivers are profiled
in this write-up. The large
Howard 450A Communication Receiver is one of Howard's most elaborate
receivers and certainly has an impressive "bench presence." Full
restoration on the 450A. The Silvertone 5656A Communication Receiver is
another impressive receiver built by Howard Radio for Sears-Roebuck.
Full restoration on the 5656A. Also, the Silvertone 5752 STANDBY and the
Howard 437A. Then,...the surprise,...the Hallicrafters SX-9 and
Hallicrafters 5-T, both built in 1935 by Howard Radio when Hallicrafters
still had to
have their radios built by contractors. Full story on that. Lots of
photos. |
Comprehensive history of Patterson Radio
Company and 1930s Los Angeles radio manufacturing. Detailed circuit analysis,
red-lined corrected schematic, frequency calibration chart (so you know
where your PR-10 is tuned.) Restoration
details on Velvet Tuning rebuild and more. Collector Photo Gallery. Lots
of photos and information. |
Comprehensive history of Hallicrafters'
Super Pro, the R-274 receiver, circuit description, performance
analysis, detailed comparison between the R-274 and the Hammarlund
SP-600, pros and cons of each receiver. You can VOTE for your favorite "Super
Pro" - either Hallicrafters' or Hammarlund's. Voting results are
shown (you might be surprised at the results.) Lots of photos and
information. |
RACAL - RA-17, RA-117 - British High-Performance Receivers Comprehensive history of RACAL Engineering Ltd (and the various other names the company was known by.) The RA-17 and the Wadley Loop, RA-17 versions (over 40 different versions,) the RA-117 design, RA-117 versions (a lot of them,) the RA-6117 (made in the USA,) the RA-6217 RACAL's first Solid-State receiver. Adding remote standby to the RA-6117, How to set correct power transformer primary voltage, Receiver performance. RA-237-B Low Frequency Converter set up and operation with the RA-17C-12 receiver. Performance and NDB reception log. Lots of photos (Ray Brown, Jock Cunningham, Dr. Trevor Wadley, Ernest Harrison) and lots of information. |
W6MIT Transmitters - Professionally Engineered Homebrew Rigs - Detailed write-up with lots of photos about two of W6MIT's professionally engineered and superbly constructed homebrew transmitters and a homebrew linear amplifier. The Model 45098 "The Big Rig" (designed and built in 1998) evokes the spirit of AM BC transmitters but in a smaller package. The Model AM100 "The 1625 Rig" (designed and built in 1997) is a utilitarian creation that even includes its own roll-around cart. Model W6MIT95 is a 1500 watt PEP input power linear amplifier (designed and built in 1995) that uses an experimental Eimac Y-826 tube as the RF amplifier. Full circuit descriptions, specifications, performance and more on all three units. These are fabulous homebrews packed with performance features. Lots of photos and lots of information. |
E. F. Johnson-Viking Transmitters -
Viking 1, Ranger, Desk KW, KW Matchbox and Navigator Deluxe Profiling the Viking 1 transmitter kit with detailed refurbishment with lots of photos, includes details on Johnson Mod B for significant improvement in audio and modulation for the transmitter. The Ranger and the Desk KW are older write-ups that I've updated, edited and expanded. Details on the KW Matchbox. A detailed article on how to install a Viking Ranger Meter into a Viking Navigator and get rid of that worthless original iron vane meter that was never accurate and was constantly banging the needle against the stops. The Viking Ranger meter doesn't just "drop in" but the installation is shown with details and the end result is,...The Viking Navigator Deluxe. |
Navy Dept-Bureau of Ships/National Co., Inc./Wells Gardner & Co. - RAO Series of WWII Radio Receiving Equipment Comprehensive history of how the famous U.S. Navy RAO receiver that was built by National Company Inc. and by Wells Gardner & Co. developed from National's "Moving Coil" receivers - better known as "coil catacomb" receivers. Detailed information on each version of the RAO receivers, information on the RAO accessories including details on the USN RCX panoramic adaptor used with the RAO-7. Excruciating OCD details on two RAO restorations, Wells Gardner & Co. RAO-3 and National Company, Inc. RAO-7. Lots of photos and lots of information. |
Navy Dept-Bureau of Ships/Western Electric Company - RU-16 Receiver and GF-11 Transmitter - Aircraft Communication Equipment Comprehensive look at these long-lived receivers and transmitters that were built all through the 1930s by Aircraft Radio Corporation and by Western Electric Company. The RU-16 and GF-11 are the 1941 versions built just before WWII. Details on the circuits used and how the equipment was installed in single-seater aircraft and larger airplanes. Details on all of the ancillary pieces that are necessary for the operation of the receiver alone or both the receiver and transmitter. Section on rebuilding the metal tub capacitors used in both units. Performance details. Lots and lots of photos plus lots of detailed information. |
WWII Radio Direction Finders - 1930s to 1950s Comprehensive history of the Radio Compass from its beginnings in 1920 up through the 1950s. Detailed look at pre-WWII Airway Navigation and its development. Profiles of "Homing" gear, such as, USN RU-type receivers, USN ARB receivers with the ZB-3 Homing Adapter. Detailed look at Search & Rescue using "True" direction. Profiles of "True" DF gear, such as, USN DZ-2 complete set-up with dual loop compass, Bendix DW-1 amplified loop. Ground-based DF gear profiling the British mobile DF hut B/C DF No.2 with the R106 (HRO,) the elaborate AN/PRD-1 portable DF receiver (used extensively in early part of Vietnam.) Radiomarine Corp. AR-8711, a late-1940s DF receiver for cabin cruisers. |
Navy Dept. Bureau of Ships/Bendix Radio Div. of Bendix Aviation Corp. - Model ATD Aircraft Transmitter A comprehensive look at the history and the circuit design of this 1940 Aircraft Transmitter. The write-up features a "day-by-day" and "problem by problem" journal that illustrates what's involved in getting a WWII-era aircraft transmitter to the point where it can actually be used "on the air." Detailed information on using a homebrew ART-13 AC Power Supply to power the ATD. Much more detailed information on servicing the ATD Dynamotor for use in powering the ATD with the authentic equipment. Plans on an "easy to build" +28vdc power supply that can provide 80 AMPs of current and only weighs 15 pounds! How to interface the ATD with a linear amplifier to increase the RF power output. Lots of photos. |
The Technical Material Corporation GPR-90 Series of Receivers Producing the GPR-90 receiver wasn't TMCs primary business focus. TMC's output of commercial-military radio electronic equipment was vast,...staggering in the enormous quantity of different equipment they produced. Their one "ham receiver" was the GPR-90 but its "spin-offs" form an impressive collection of commercial-military radio receivers. Covered are the GPR-90 ham receiver and its military versions, then the military-commercial GPR-90RX, GPR-90RXD and the GPR-92. Various accessories, including the GSB-1 SSB adapter for the GPR-90 and the commercial-military MSR-type SSB adapters are covered. Detailed circuit descriptions, a detailed analysis of the Internet reviews of the GPR-90, reworking a GPR-90RXD and its matching MSR-6 SSB adapter. A performance review of the GPR-90RXD operated with the MSR-6. Lots of info and lots of photos. Lots of info and lots of photos. |
Equipment from Radiomarine Corporation of America A detailed look at the beginnings of Wireless Specialty Apparatus Company in 1907 and United Fruit Company's involvement in 1911 and their relationship to the creation of Radio Corporation of America in 1919 followed by the formation of Radiomarine Corporation of America in 1927. The equipment profiled starts with the 1923 shipboard "standard" receiver, the IP-501-A. It then proceeds on to the 1937 AR-8503, the 1941 USN RAZ-1, the 1944 AR-8506-B and the 1944 AR-8510. The post-WWII versions of the 1953 AR-8506B, the Signal Corps version R-203A/SR (from 1950) and the AR-8510 (from 1952.) The 1947 small craft direction finder AR-8711 is profiled. Finally, a restoration that is covered in an OCD-detailed write-up,...fitting for the overly-complex 1958 shipboard receiver, the marvelous AR-8516. Lots of photos and lots of information. |
Full-Length Articles on Rebuilding Vintage Radio Communication Equipment |
Part One - History of the R-390 and R-390A, description of each module and basic rebuilding information, Main Frame, RF Deck, IF Deck, AF Module, PS Module, PTO, Lots of photos Part Two - Front panel restoration, Meters, Contractor list by year, Alignment Suggestions, Performance expectations, Diversity R-390As, R-390A "Built from Parts," (2) 1967 EAC versions, Part Three - Restoration & Recreation - detailed restoration/recreation profiles of the Arvin Industries R-725 version, the Army Security Agency R-390A, the Black Panel NSA R-390A, the USMC OD Panel R-390A
Part Four -
Restoration of other
R-390A family
receivers - includes R-389 (LF version,)
Refurb of
R-648 (Airborne R-390A,)
R-392 (GRC-19,)
Misc. Info.,
plus LS-206, Security Dial Cover, CV-979 cabinets |
Rebuilding the ART-13 Transmitter Part One - History of the ATC and ART-13, Accessories, Testing Prospective Purchases, Powering the ART-13 with a Dynamotor, PP-1104-C High Current Power Supply details Part Two - Powering the ART-13 with a homebrew AC Power Supply, Four AC Power Supply Plans with Schematics, Updates to AC power supplies, Mechanical Servicing of the Autotune Part Three - Restoration profile of the USAAF ART-13A Basket Case, Restoration profile of the USN Collins ART-13 "typical restoration," Restoration of the $10 (Wasp's Nest) ART-13A Part Four - Refurbishing a Collins ATC that SAAMA MWO'd into ART-13, Operating the ART-13 on the air, Operating on 630 Meters, Details on the CU-32 Low Frequency Loading Coil (tuner), Lots and lots of photos |
Rebuilding the BC-348 Series of Receivers Part One - Rebuilding and Retrofitting the DM-28 Dynamotor into the Single Ended Tube Versions of the BC-348 (Q, N or J only,) with schematics Part Two - Rebuilding and Retrofitting the DM-28 Dynamotor into the Grid Cap Versions of the BC-348 (all other versions,) Retrofitting the DM-24 into the BC-224 versions, with schematics
Part Three -
Performance Expectations for Single Ended
and Grid Cap Versions, AC power supply Enhancement with designs and
schematics, Wrinkle Finish painting, Duplicating Inspection Stamps |
Rebuilding the AN/GRC-19 Mobile Transmitter-Receiver
History of the design, overview of the
T-195, testing and repairing the T-195, lots of photos and information, Testing and repairing the R-392 receiver,
GRC-19 Operation suggestions |
Rebuilding the T-368 Military Transmitter
History of the design, Circuit description,
Testing and Repair of the three decks, Testing and Repair of cabinet
harness, Powering Up the T-3, Operating the T-3, profile on the BC-939
Antenna Tuner, profile on the SWR Bridge/Watt Meter, Lots of photos |
Detailed information on
how to power the BC-375 to avoid problems that include "FMing,"
non-symmetrical modulation, low power output and more. How to perform
"dynamic neutralization" to eliminate audio distortion due to parasitic
oscillations. Interfacing the BC-375 with the BC-348 receiver. Operating
the BC-375 on 630 meters CW. Includes set-up data. |
Nevada Radio History |
Arthur Raycraft, Nevada's "Father of
Wireless," Raycraft's stations in Tonopah and Manhattan, Nevada (1911,) photo of Raycraft raising his antenna in Tonopah
(ca: 1920) |
Radio Telegraphy, Real Machine RTTY and Vintage Mikes - Photo Galleries |
Part One - Hand Keys, includes Spark Keys, Boston Keys, Early Radio Keys, Leg Keys, Flame-proof Keys, Recently Made Keys, "British-style" Morse, Land Line Telegraph Equipment, Sounders, Keys, Relays, KOBs Part Two - Semi-Automatic Keys or Bugs, History of Vibroplex showing many early models, Mecograph, ATOZ, J-36 versions, Speed-X Radio Mfg, Speed-X Mfg, Speed-X E.F. Johnson, McElroy Mfg, Buzza, Kenco, Speed Bug, Dow-Key, 73 Bug and more - Learning Tools, records, oscillators, Instructographs |
Real Machine RTTY Teletype Corporation Machines - Model 19ASR, Model 28KSR Compact, Model 15KSR, Model 28KSR, WA7YBS RTTY Station, Lots of Terminal Units both Military and Civilian, ITTY - Internet teletype, WA7YBS homebrew TU updates |
Radio Equipment from 1909 up to 1960+ - Photo Galleries |
Amateur Wireless Spark-Gap Apparatus 1909 up to 1923 - M. H. Dodd's Wireless Stations from 1909 and 1912, W3ON Station from 1923, Murdock Loose Couplers, Klitzen Rotary Spark Gap and 1KW MicaOil Sending Condenser, Homebrew Helix, Murdock Oscillation Transformer, Spherical Audion "Panel" Receiver, Grebe gear, Kennedy equipment, SE-1420 and IP-501-A receivers. |
Broadcast Entertainment Radios 1922 up to 1940 - Compiled and Edited from WHRM's "Roaring 20s Radios," "Classic 30s Radios" and "Console Floor Model Radios" - RCA Radiola, Atwater-Kent, Crosley, Grebe, Federal, FADA, Infra+Dyne, Zenith, Philco, Pre-war Plastic, Crystal Sets, Victor Talking Machine Company, Scott Radio Laboratories, McMurdo Silver,...lots of photos and lots of information. |
Pre-War Ham Gear 1928 up to 1941 Part One - 1928 to 1935, includes Pilot Radio, National Co, RME, Hammarlund, Patterson, Breting, RCA, Hallicrafters, Tobe Deutschmann and more
Part Two
1936 to 1941, includes
Hallicrafters, RME, National, Hammarlund, Patterson, Breting, Meissner and
more |
Post-War Ham Gear 1946 up to 1960+ - National Co, Hallicrafters, Collins, Johnson Viking Desk KW, Johnson "Navigator Deluxe," Eldico, Homebrews |
WWII Radio Communication Equipment Part One - WWII US Navy Equipment, includes RAZ-1, RAK&RAL, RBA, RBB, RBC, RBG, RBH, RCD, RCH and more, US Navy Shipboard and Shore Entertainment Receivers Part Two - WWII USN & USAAF Airborne Radio, WWII Radiomarine Corp, US Coast Guard gear, US Army Signal Corps, WWII Radio Test Gear Part Three - WWII Ally Radio Communications Equipment - Marconi/RAF R1155 Receiver, Kingsley Radio Co. AR7 "HRO knock-off," Marconi/RN C.R. 300/1 Navy Receiver, Canadian Marconi Co. CSR-5 RCN Receiver
Header Artwork: from "Magic Dials" 1939 by Lowell Thomas
Radio Boulevard was the name of our Reno business that specialized in antique radios and antique radio restoration. We were in operation from 1997 up to 2006. The "website" has been radioblvd.com since 1999.
Western Historic Radio Museum
Vintage Radio Communication Equipment Rebuilding & Restoration Articles,
Vintage Radio History and WHRM Radio Photo Galleries
1909 - 1969
- 60 years of Radio Technology -
This website created and maintained by: Henry Rogers - Radio Boulevard, Western Historic Radio Museum © 1997/2025